Clearfield, Inc. designs, manufactures and distributes fiber optic management products. When it comes to distribution, consolidation and protection of fiber, nothing comes close to Clearfield's stream-lined, practical approach. Based on the patented Clearview™ Cassette, our unique single-architected, modular fiber management platform lowers the cost of broadband deployment and maintenance while enabling our customers to scale their operations as their subscriber revenues increase.
Delivering scalable deployment, craft-friendly operation, and unsurpassed performance, Clearfield's line of panels, frames and cabinets, optical components, and full range of fiber optic assemblies and patch cords are designed with the simplicity in design that delivers lowest total cost of ownership. Clearfield is the only fiber assembly provider to offer the FiberDeep guarantee - a performance threshold of .2dB insertion loss.
Clearfield's FieldShield fiber delivery system delivers a simple, fast fiber pathway through all points of the network, integrating with our ISP and OSP product lines to provide a total end-to-end solution. FieldShield pushable fiber, microduct and Clearfield last mile drop technologies are saving the provider time and money with labor lite designs that reduce labor and skill at installation as well as at the pre-engineering stage.
With Clearfield, your network solutions will be on-budget, reliable and high performing. Ask about Clearfield's industry-leading 8 day product delivery lead times. http://www.SeeClearfield.com/