Evolution X5 Series Satellite Router

High-performance IP Broadband Connectivity

Designed specifically to support business-critical applications, the Evolution X5 is ideally
suited for high-performance broadband applications such as enterprise
connectivity, cellular backhaul, maritime, secure banking, and other mobile applications.
The Evolution X5 features iDirect’s highly efficient implementation of the DVB-S2 standard with Adaptive Coding and
Modulation (ACM) on the outbound carrier. Along with Adaptive TDMA technology or SCPC Return,
2D 16-State FEC, the Evolution X5 maximizes the efficiency of satellite capacity to enable new opportunities.


Greater Flexibility

The Evolution X5
offers dual-mode operation between iNFINITI TDM or DVB-S2/
ACM on the outbound
and ATDMA or SCPC Return on the inbound, providing
more flexibility for network design and bandwidth
optimization. Whether
initially deploying a DVB-S2
network or starting
off with an iNFINITI network
that is capable of being upgraded to a DVB-S2 network in the future, the
Evolution X5 adapts to a customer’s changing requirements. A customer
can also temporarily switch from TDMA to SCPC Return
without having to swap out the

With over-the-air software licensing features that can
add spread spectrum capabilities, operators are allowed even more flexibility to customize
the Evolution X5 to meet their technical
and budget requirements.


Increased Efficiency with Superior Quality of

iDirect’s sophisticated Group QoS advanced traffic
prioritization dynamically
balances the demands of different
applications according to their needs and
availability, across multiple sites and user
sub-networks. When combining the Group
QoS feature set
with DVB-S2/ACM, service
providers can increase DVB-S2
efficiency gains by combining multiple small networks into a single,
larger carrier. Additional configurations, service pricing
models, and
reportingcapabilitiesallowserviceproviderstotranslate ACMbenefitsintonew revenue-generating service offerings.


Greater Mobility

Leading spread spectrum technology enables use of ultra
small and phased- array antennas on aircrafts, ships,
and land based
vehicles. The Evolution X5 is fully enabled
for iDirect’s Global
Network Management System
(GNMS) and Automatic Beam Switching (ABS) technology allowing
for a seamless network with truly global coverage.

Evolution X5’s high-stability oscillator allows for operating in environments
with steep temperature changes, making
it ideal for mobile applications like cellular backhaul
and maritime.


Simple, Intuitive Network Management

The Evolution X5 Series is easily
configured, monitored, and controlled
through the iVantageTM network management system,
a complete suite of software-based tools for configuring, monitoring and controlling networks from
one location.