The CE-x*** encoder modules unleash the power of MPEG-4 AVC Fidelity Range Extensions (FRExt), enabling broadcasters and operators to capture, archive and distribute content in the best possible quality HDTV.
The CE x-series is built on the most flexible and future-proof platform available on the market, capable of encoding MPEG-4 AVC HD 4:2:2 with 10-bit precision up to 1080p50/60 resolutions. The encoder modules pprovide a uniquely modular software upgradeable solution that allows customers to exploit the advantages of MPEG-4 AVC compression in contribution and distribution (C&D) applications, while maintaining compatibility with the existing generation of MPEG-2 Video based networks.
The flexibility and amazing portability of the CE solution allows customers to dimension their networks for the exact needs of today, while taking into consideration the natural expansion of tomorrow, effectively minimizing the overall total cost of ownership and maximizing the true value of the media assets. For example, 2D connections pased on MPEG-2 Video compression today can be upgraded in-field easily to 3D MPEG-4 AVC HD 4:2:2 10-bit contribution links, on an event basis.
An integral part of the Ericsson MPEG-4 AVC HD 4:2:2 system solution, the CE-x*** encoder modules effectively enable the full-scale migration to MPEG-4 AVC all-HD in C&D.
Outstanding Innovation delivers the most flexible contribution encoder
Based on 18 years of encoder design experience, the CE-x*** (x-series) option modules are a radical new design. Based on Ericsson’s in-house technology, the CE x-series targets the algorithmic implementation to C&D applications in a flexible and future-proof platform, providing bandwidth efficiencies typical of DTH applications and effectively enabling a mass migration to the moren bandwidth efficient MPEG-4 AVC standard.
Multi-channel and multi-codec The ability to fit multiple multi-codec encoder modules within a single chassis allows customers to target the widest variety of applications, from dense distribution and legacy MPEG-2 Video contribution to the highest-quality MPEG-4 AVC HD 4:2:2 10-bit and 3D contribution.
Efficient use of spectrum
The CE-x*** option modules deliver compression efficiency that allows:
• 30 percent or more bandwidth savings compared to MPEG-2 Video at contribution rates
• Support for higher end features such as 4:2:2 sampling and 10-bit resolution via simple software/firmware upgrades
Hot-swappable support
All modules in the CE x-series range are hot swappable to allow on-site servicing, unit re-purposing and maximum portability.
Software upgradeability
All modules in the CE x-series (CE-x***) are based on the same future-proof, software-upgradeable platform. This enables support for features such as 10-bit, 1080p50/60 and 3D to be added in the future, via a simple software upgrade and licensing scheme at no additional hardware expense.