Opterna 9362 Transponder DOCSIS Power Supply

Opterna’s intelligent monitoring transponders are designed to monitor and control any brand and model of standby power supply. Opterna’s power supply transponders support all industry standard interfaces with standard protocols such as DOCSIS, SNMP, and HMS. Opterna also offers legacy solutions for systems still using power supplies that have since been retired by their manufacturer.

DOCSIS solutions leverage the cable system’s existing DOCSIS communications infrastructure to provide a cost-effective, interoperable monitoring solution. These transponders are fully interoperable with virtually any power supply that has a status monitoring interface. A uniquely versatile solution, these external and embedded transponders support HMS-022, analog, and proprietary serial interfaces.

HMS solutions have similar applications to the DOCSIS transponders and support the same types of power supply interfaces. Where a DOCSIS transponder will exchange its data with a CMTS, an HMS transponder requires an HMTS which is also sold by Opterna. Many customers who prefer to keep the monitoring active when the CMTS network is down, prefer the HMS RF protocol solution. Additionally, customers without a CMTS network will find the HMS or proprietary solutions an adequate substitute.

All Opterna power supply transponders are supported in Opterna’s BOSS EMS and BOSSc NMS platforms, with full alarm configuration and SNMP Proxy support. Leveraging the mechanisms of monitoring and control, remote maintenance testing can be scheduled and executed from the BOSS platforms to reduce site visits and prolong the life of batteries and related equipment. Data collected from these tests permit the BOSS platform to predict time to failure and identify weak batteries, allowing the operator to be proactive thus reducing outages and improving reliability and operational efficiency.